the women’s foundation

Catalysing Change, Shaping a Gender Equal Future

The Women’s Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls in Hong Kong through groundbreaking research, innovative community programmes, education and advocacy.

Why we matter

see our impact towards advancing gender equality

underprivileged teens as well as their parents and teachers have been impacted by our community programmes to raise gender awareness and promote positive life skills


mentors & protégés have advanced their leadership skills through our best-in-class, cross-industry mentoring programme


male and female allies use their collective influence to advance gender equality


women leaders have benefitted from the Boardroom Series, with skills and knowledge necessary for the boardroom

Our Focus Areas

Our Key Goals


Hear From Our Programme Participants

The Boardroom Series offers an empowering opportunity for women striving to ascend to the boardroom, provide guidance on how to embark on this transformative journey. As a board director for the first time, the programme has provided me the tools, the insights and the confidence to set the right course. It has also enriched my network with many amazing and supportive women leaders who share the same passion, foster learning and advocate for diversity in corporate boardroom. I would highly recommend this to anyone who's looking to take the next step.

I joined the TWF mentoring programme as a Protégé back in 2022 and have since become a member of the Advisory Council. Throughout my time with TWF, I have been amazed at the profound impact it has had on me. TWF provides a well-structured programme with helpful resources and tools that empower women to grow, gain confidence and build a supportive network of other professional women from across Hong Kong. I highly recommend the Mentoring Programme to anyone who is looking to take the next step.

The Male Allies Programme has been instrumental in terms of helping both me and my colleagues gain important knowledge and to be more proactive in relation to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) topics within the firm. It also provides a unique opportunity to meet and learn from other organisations and to hear their perspectives from across industries, including legal, accounting, construction, and transportation.

I am incredibly grateful for my journey with the GGT Programme since 2017. It all started with their STEM workshop where I was first introduced to coding, which ignited a passion for technology in me. I have since taken part in various GGT activities [and] I was also a member of the Participant Advisory Group from 2022 to 2024. The Programme has not only allowed me to explore the importance of technology but has also given me a deeper appreciation for its impact in business settings. Thanks to the GGT Programme, I am now a computer science student at a university in Shanghai, and I credit the Programme for shaping my academic path in STEM.

I have been a participant in the GGT Programme for one year, benefiting from numerous in-person activities and online courses. Among the activities I enjoyed most were the inter-school event and the Python workshop. These events introduced me to various career development opportunities and STEM knowledge, which I could apply in practice, such as programming and training robots for competitions. I gained a wealth of knowledge and had a lot of fun through these experiences.

What I have learned from the Programme workshops and mentoring...allows me to recognise and challenge the systemic barriers and discrimination that women are facing. I can better put myself in women’s shoes and understand other people’s perspectives. As a Young Ally, I will definitely use my knowledge to actively support and advocate for gender equality and women's empowerment, particularly marginalised groups.

If I could use one word to describe this Programme, I would definitely use “Impactful” because every workshop and every mentorship meeting with a Male Ally, had an impact on me.

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  • Aveline San

    Chief Executive Officer and Banking Head

    Citi Hong Kong and Macau

    Aveline was qualified as a solicitor and barrister in Australia in 1997 and began her career as a banking and capital markets lawyer. She joined Citi in April 2019 as Regional Chief Compliance Officer for Asia Pacific (APAC). Prior to Citi, she spent 14 years with UBS in various senior management positions, including acting as APAC Group Regional Head of Compliance & Operational Risk Control and General Counsel of Wealth Management for North Asia.

    Aveline is passionate about promoting industry collaboration on innovation and social impact initiatives. She is also actively involved in policy and regulatory developments impacting the financial industry. She currently serves as a board member of the Hong Kong Fintech Association and the Community Chest Hong Kong; the Vice-Chairman of the Financial and Treasury Services Committee of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce; and Vice-President of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers and member of council of Treasury Markets Association and Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Association of Banks.

  • Aveline San

    Chief Executive Officer and Banking Head

    Citi Hong Kong and Macau

    Aveline 於 1997 年在澳洲取得律師與大律師資格,並開始其銀行與資本市場律師的職業生涯。她於 2019 年 4 月加入花旗銀行(香港),擔任亞太區 Regional Chief Compliance Officer。在加入花旗銀行(香港)之前,她在瑞銀財富管理 – 香港工作了 14 年,擔任過不同的高級管理職位,包括擔任亞太區集團合規與營運風險控制區域主管,以及北亞區財富管理總法律顧問。

    Aveline 熱衷於促進創新和社會影響計畫的產業合作。她還積極參與影響金融業的政策和監管發展。她目前是香港金融科技協會和香港公益金的董事會成員;香港總商會金融及財資服務委員會副主席;香港銀行學會副會長及香港財資委員會會員;香港銀行學會副總裁;財資市場公會理事成員及香港銀行公會行政委員會。

  • Keith Pogson

    Honorary Auditor

  • Samantha Wong

    Co-Founder and Director, On Air Collective

    Samantha Wong 是 On Air Collective 和小包包的共同創辦人兼總監、On Air Event Space Management 的創辦人以及 WOM Guide 的出版人。在這些職務中,她成功地發展了小包包和 WOM 指南,以及拓展 On Air Collective 的客戶群。其中的亮點包括在為 WOM 指南進行品牌重塑實踐和推出新網站後,讀者人數增加了 100%,以及作為 Vans 的亞太區社區策略合作夥伴,媒體推廣增加了 50%。Samantha 在亞太地區擁有豐富的公共關係經驗。她曾在多家公司擔任公關主管,包括客林國際股份有限公司、Bally 和 Dmop。

  • Ali Tse

    Board Treasurer

    Transfer Pricing Partner – Financial Services, PwC

    Ali Tse 是羅兵咸永道香港及中國金融服務轉讓定價部的合夥人。Ali 專注於為金融機構提供規劃、合規和營運轉讓定價諮詢服務。她在倫敦和香港的四大會計師事務所擁有超過 18 年的工作經驗,服務範圍涵蓋大中華區和亞太區。Ali 曾為來自香港、中國和韓國的稅務機關提供轉讓定價技術培訓,並在與香港特別行政區政府的諮詢中為行業團體提供建議。Ali 是一名合格的特許會計師。

    在接受稅務專家培訓的同時,她還在業餘時間擔任非正式職務,在自己的組織內推動多樣性和包容性措施,包括建立內部指導計劃、推動培訓平台,以及執行社會影響測量教育工作。Ali 支持多家非牟利機構,並密切參與婦女基金會的工作,擔任婦女基金會女性領袖師友計劃的聯合主席和指導委員會成員,並與婦女基金會合作,研究、起草並發佈了一份有關香港金融服務業性別多元化狀況的調查報告。

  • Christine Tsang

    Board Vice-Chair

    Executive Director, IB Operational Risk Control – APAC Head, UBS

    Christine Tsang 是瑞銀財富管理 – 香港的亞太區營運風險控制主管。在這個職位上,她負責第二道防線的監控,並向業務夥伴提供建議,以確保適當的控制措施到位,從而降低風險,這與她的核心個人價值觀 「做正確的事 」不謀而合。這個價值觀一直引導著她的職業生涯;在此之前,她曾在澳洲國民銀行和標準銀行亞洲有限公司擔任亞洲營運風險主管,並在墨爾本和香港的羅兵咸永道擔任審計和風險諮詢經理。「做正確的事」的價值觀也讓她對社會、多元化和環境事業產生了濃厚的興趣。Christine 曾擔任 NAB「Connecting Women Hong Kong/Asia」的創會主席/副主席、Street Workout Hong Kong 的名譽司庫、澳洲及紐西蘭特許會計師公會的前任主席,並繼續擔任香港理事會成員及董事會董事的義務工作。她是澳洲及紐西蘭特許會計師公會的資深會員。

  • 潘添敏 (Tim Payne)

    Kellaways 創始合夥人
    Chair Mentors International (CMi)

    作爲一位資深的企業戰略顧問,潘添敏在企業聲譽維護、風險、地緣政治、企業併購、危機管理及企業管治諮詢等方面擁有超過 30 年的經驗。

    潘先生的職業生涯始於英國及美國,其後的 20 年間,他專注亞洲地區,並將業務打造為業内領先的顧 問服務品牌。他現為 Kellaways 的創始合夥人,Kellaways 是一家策略管理諮詢公司,為不同行業客戶提供聲譽維護與管理等專業諮詢服務。

    潘先生同時兼任 Chair Mentors International (CMi) 亞洲區主席及資深顧問。CMi 是一家全球領先的董事顧問平台,專門為企業領導層包括董事會主席、行政總裁、其繼任人選和財務總監等高層提供度身訂做的導師計劃,旨在幫助行政人員發揮潛能,並發展成具有影響力的領袖。


    作為婦女基金會的董事局成員,以及香港 30% Club 的副主席和前主席,潘先生致力倡導企業內各層面的包容性、多元性和性別平等。他亦是北京中國人民大學商學院的國際顧問委員會成員和跨國投資與併購 國際研究中心(XBMA)的創始董事。

  • 關蕙



    關蕙是IMC亞太區的高級顧問,IMC是一家全球做市商和自營交易公司,她擔任負責人員(RO),監督該公司的香港業務。她是一位資深的金融服務高管,之前曾在香港交易所(HKEX)、證券及期貨事務監察委員會(SFC)和Cantor Fitzgerald等機構擔任高級管理職務。


    與此同時,關蕙為香港政府各個委員會和董事會提供專業服務,如金融服務發展局的拓新業務小組委員會。她還擔任婦女基金會董事局的主席,並在心光盲人院暨學校、香港伍倫貢學院、Web3 Harbour、其士國際集團、蘇黎世保險(香港) 以及其他組織的董事會任職。

  • 何苗春暉


    Joanna 是何東苗氏教育基金會董事會成員。她是 KG 集團的創辦人,KG 集團透過其不同的專注項目 – Kids’ Gallery、Star English、Face Productions 和 Mills International Preschool – 已經有超過 80,000 名年輕人通過其支持,校友在世界各地的著名大學就讀或在廣泛企業工作。在此之前,她曾在 PriceWaterhouseCoopers 和 Marks and Spencer 倫敦總部工作。

    Joanna 擁有倫敦大學和華威大學的學位,也是倫敦三一學院的執照持有人。她是華威大學的藝術顧問,也是婦女基金會、港怡醫院、青年糖尿病行動、智樂兒童遊戲協會和香港藝術節的董事會成員。

    在眾多獎項中,她是《南華早報》「時代女性 」和美國商會「影響力女性」企業家獎的得主。

  • Brian Henderson

    Company Secretary

    Founder and Director, Whole Business Wellness Limited

    Brian Henderson 曾擔任貝克‧ 麥堅時律師事務所的首席營運官。作為管理委員會的成員,他領導了亞洲九個辦事處的當地多元化倡議,並支持公司的性別多元化行動計劃,提倡成立 「BakerWomen 委員會」和 「BakerMen 」團隊。他熱衷於鼓勵男性將性別平等視為優先事項、機會和責任,這份熱情超越了他在公司內的活動。Brian 是 TWF 賢士同行計劃的聯合主席,在 2017 年榮獲美國商會的「Advancement of Women」獎的得主。

  • Claire Goodchild

    Former Asia Head of Diversity, Morgan Stanley

    Claire Goodchild 曾於摩根士丹利擔任 Asia Head of Diversity。她參與了公司多元化和包容策略的設計,並因此獲得了眾多認可,包括香港和日本公布的指數中 LGBT 包容性的黃金標準,以及被評為印度 100 家最適合女性的公司之一。在摩根士丹利工作的 15 年間,她還擔任過其他人才發展方面的職務,並曾帶領團隊贏得卓越培訓與發展銀獎。Claire 積極參與 TWF 的工作,曾於 2016 年至 2018 年擔任女性領袖師友計劃指導委員會的聯合主席,並自 2019 年起擔任 TWF 人力資源諮詢委員會 (HRAC) 的主席。

  • Cecilia Chan

    Professor Emeritus, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong

    Cecilia 是世界衛生與社會工作領域的領導者。她目前在香港大學擔任多個教授和董事職位,包括思源基金教授席 (健康及社會工作學)。她的學術生涯取得了突破性的創新成果,例如以力量為導向的增強創傷個體能力的方法,以及將中國哲學和傳統中醫(TCM)實踐創造性地結合到整體行為健康干預中。在研究工作之外,Cecilia 還是一位傑出的社會企業家和倡議者。她曾擔任多個項目和計劃的創始董事,包括香港大學行為健康教研中心和賽馬會安寧頌計劃。她亦曾參與成立香港大學秀圃老年研究中心、佛學研究中心、香港大學香港賽馬會防止自殺研究中心及其他研究院修課課程。

  • Damien Mooney

    Parent Governor and Vice Chair of the Board of Kellett, the British International School of Hong Kong

    Damien Mooney 是一位駐香港的資產管理商業領導者,擁有近 30 年的豐富經驗,其中有超過 18 年擔任各種亞太區域業務領導職務。Damien 目前領導 Fidelity International 的亞太區(日本除外)業務。

    在此之前,Damien 曾在香港的貝萊德以及香港和倫敦的富達國際擔任高級商業領導職位。他於 1994 年在倫敦開始其金融服務的職業生涯,2006 年中移居香港。

    Damien 是香港英國國際學校 Kellett 的家長總監和董事會副主席。

  • 何玉蕙





  • 馮曉瑜



    在加入婦女基金會之前,Hillary 是社區團隊的項目主任,負責規劃、協調和執行 Girls Go Tech 計劃的活動。


  • Belinda Poole

    Development Consultant

  • Clara Sit

    Assistant Operations Manager

    Clara joined TWF on April 2, 2024, Clara has a strong corporate background in MNCs working in a wide spectrum of functions from customer service and supply chain to administration, finance, credit management and business acquisition and merger. Clara spent her career in a Switzerland-based chemical company, a German-based Pharmaceutical Company and a German-based Shipping Company, and would like to passionately support the community after her career success in commercial fields. Clara has been designating various capacities in TWF Administration and Finance.

  • Clara Sit


    Clara 擁有豐富的跨國企業行政管理經驗,曾負責客戶服務、物流供應鏈、行政、財務、企業合併及信貸管理等多個職能。她曾在多家跨國公司工作,當中包括瑞士的化學公司、德國的製藥公司及航運公司。商業領域的成功經歷讓 Clara 決定將熱情投入社區服務及婦女權益的推動工作。Clara目前在婦女基金會負責行政與財務事務。

  • 何仲燊


    Stanley於2024年1月加入婦女基金會,擔任助理項目經理。他主要負責 Girls Go Tech 計劃,為基層女學生提供最新的科技學習和未來職業的見解。在加入婦女基金會之前,他曾在多個機構工作,包括嶺南大學、香港教育工作者聯會和香港青少年發展訓練中心,負責舉辦青少年培訓課程。


  • 高湘喬



  • 張淑德


    Gladys 於 2019 年 10 月加入婦女基金會。此前,她曾於世界自然基金會(WWF)、世界綠色組織和海洋公園保育基金會工作,負責籌款及倡議活動,支持各機構的保育項目。她曾成功邀請企業和機構夥伴參與全球最大型環保行動「地球一小時」(Earth Hour),推廣可持續生活方式。2017 年,Gladys 主理全港首個「無飲管運動」,鼓勵餐飲業及公眾減少一次性飲管的使用。

    Gladys 擁有多倫多大學文學士學位及香港中文大學社會科學碩士學位。

  • 鍾麗珊

    總監 (特別項目)

  • 余潔儀


    Kit 於 2017 年 7 月加入婦女基金會擔任平面設計師。她的主要職責包括構思、規劃和管理婦女基金會的市場推廣和活動宣傳品、文件和網站的設計。


  • 莫麗莎


    Lisa 於2011年加入婦女基金會,並於2024年1月晉升為高級總監,負責研究與倡議工作。

    Lisa 主理婦女基金會的獨立研究項目,針對性別不平等議題進行前瞻性研究。她同時帶領倡議項目,透過跨部門合作,致力推動性別平等。Lisa 亦負責制定與執行傳訊項目,提升婦女基金會在社區中的影響力及知名度。

    作為 Meta 全球女性安全專家顧問小組的成員,Lisa 協助 Meta 制定新的政策、產品及項目,為女性用戶制定針對性的新政策和計劃,改善用戶體驗。

    在加入婦女基金會之前,Lisa 曾於香港中文大學晨興書院任教,兼任教學與研究員。

    Lisa 擁有美國里士滿大學的種族研究學士學位、約翰霍普金斯大學及南京大學的國際關係碩士學位,以及英國謝菲爾德哈勒姆大學的心理學碩士學位。

  • 劉鴻雁





  • Danica Liu

    Officer, Pipeline Initiative Team

    Danica Joined The Women’s Foundation as Pipeline Initiatives Officer in September 2024. She is primarily responsible for supporting the Male Allies programme and board diversity initiatives including 30% Club Hong Kong Chapter and Boardroom and C-suite Leadership Programme.

    Prior to her role at The Women’s Foundation, Danica has various internship experiences in both start-up and listed companies in Hong Kong and Hang Zhou on issues relating to young adult development, communication and administration. She also participated multiple NGOs and charitable events under the topics of teenager development, environment caring and gender equality in the past few years. she is now applying her skills and knowledge to support gender equity and diversity efforts.

    She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and a minor in Sociology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

  • Sasha Anderson

    Assistant Manager, Pipeline Initiatives

    Sasha joined as Assistant Manager, Pipeline Initiatives in September 2024, bringing her experience in project management and coordination to the team. In her role, she primarily manages and oversees TWF’s Mentoring Programme for Women Leaders, and supports other programmes and initiatives with the Pipeline team.

    Prior to joining TWF, Sasha has worked primarily within the arts and live performance sector in Hong Kong and Canada. Following her completion of her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Toronto Metropolitan University, she worked with various non-profit organisations and charities, managing new and ongoing programmes, with a focus on youth arts organisations and arts administration.

  • Sasha Anderson


    Sasha 於 2024 年 9 月加入婦女基金會,擔任領袖項目助理經理,負責項目管理與協調工作。她主要管理婦女基金會的女性領袖導師計劃,並協助領袖項目團隊推動其他活動項目及倡議。

    在加入婦女基金會之前,Sasha 主要在香港及加拿大的藝術及現場表演行業工作。取得多倫多都會大學的藝術學士學位後,Sasha 曾在多家非營利組織及慈善機構從事項目管理,專注於青少年藝術組織及藝術行政工作。

  • Ada Yip

    Deputy CEO

    Ada is currently the Deputy CEO of The Women’s Foundation. Previously, she co-founded WYNG 43 Social Investment and acted as CEO in one of its invested companies, Urban Spring, from 2015 to 2023. Ada led the impact business to develop a reliable network of well designed water refill stations with the mission to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic bottles. Ada is a Certified ESG Analyst under EFFAs.

    Beyond her day job, her volunteer roles include the co-chair of the board of Social Value International (a UK registered charity), a leading global network that pioneers in establishing impact measurement standards and trainings; a board member of Social Value Hong Kong (formerly The Hong Kong Institute of Social Impact Analysts) and a member of the Sub-Committee on Public Education on Rehabilitation under the Labour and Welfare Department of the Hong Kong Government.

    Prior to the above engagements, she was the Programme Director of the i2i (incubation to investment) program at SOW Asia. In her early career, Ada worked at a number of international financial institutions in Toronto, Tokyo, and Hong Kong with regional management responsibilities for over 20 years.

  • 葉蓁蓁


    葉蓁蓁女士現為婦女基金會的副行政總裁。葉女士為 WYNG 43 社會投資的創始董事之一,並於 2015 年到 2023 年在該公司投資的城泉 (Urban Spring) 擔任首席執行官。此社會企業於香港成功建構一個數百架加水站的網絡,旨在減少一次性塑膠瓶的消耗,並帶領公司成為 B Corp。她自 2023 年起成為 EFFA 的認證 ESG 分析師。葉蓁蓁女士一直是社會公益社群的活躍成員,參與了許多社會創新的孵化計畫。葉女士是Social Value International 董事會聯席主席(Social Value International 為英國註冊的國際慈善機構,是建立影響力衡量標準和培訓的先驅);以及 Social Value Hong Kong(前身為香港社會影響力分析學會)的董事會成員。她亦是香港政府勞工及福利局的康復諮詢委員會轄下,康復服務公眾教育小組委員會的成員。葉蓁蓁女士事業的頭二十年於多倫多、東京和香港的國際金融機構工作,負責區域管理及營運的職務。

  • 宋亦芸


    宋亦芸於 2023 年 9 月加入婦女基金會,主要負責女性領袖導師計劃及性別平等與包容工作小組。



  • 陳蕾


    陳蕾於 2023 年 3 月加入婦女基金會,擔任高級領袖項目主任。她與 TWF 的緣分始於 2021 年,當時她以實習生身份參與 TWF 的工作,深入了解其使命與項目。在現職中,陳蕾負責領導賢士同行計劃、Women to Watch 平台及董事會系列與管理層領導計劃。

    在加入 TWF 之前,陳蕾曾於多個非政府組織工作,積極推動關注生育權利、少數族群和藝術管理相關的議題。


  • 周惠琼


    Maria 於 2021 年 8 月加入婦女基金會,擔任財務及行政總監。她擁有豐富的跨國醫療和製藥企業及本地公共機構的經驗,負責財務、行政、業務控制、供應採購、人力資源、內部控制、商業及 IT 管理等多項職能。


    Maria 亦是終身學習的支持者。身為兩位男孩的職業母親,她在工作之餘還取得了三個碩士學位,分別為專業會計、工商管理及專業英語研究。

  • 程沛玉


    程沛玉在擔任首席顧問前,已在婦女基金會工作了 10 年,其中大部分時間擔任副行政總裁。她主要負責設計和發展社區計劃、倡議和宣傳活動,以及社區外展。





  • 樂鳳蘭



    樂鳳蘭是Room to Read香港分會的共同創辦人,並協助在印度新德里成立區域項目辦公室。她是香港及澳門澳洲商會的前副主席,同時是其Women in Business Network的創辦人和主席。

    她因其工作獲得多個獎項,包括2020 年 Women in Business Law Awards Asia 的「傑出成就」獎、2021 年由香港美國商會頒發最具影響力女性獎項及2022 年Tatler Front & Female Hong Kong Awards 的「年度非政府組織領袖」獎。


  • Damien Mooney

    Parent Governor and Vice Chair of the Board of Kellett, the British International School of Hong Kong

    Damien Mooney is a Hong Kong-based commercial leader in asset management with almost 30 years of experience, including over 18 years in a variety of Asia Pacific regional business leadership roles. Damien currently leads the Asia Pacific (ex-Japan) business for Fidelity International.

    Prior to this, Damien held senior commercial leadership positions at BlackRock in Hong Kong as well as Fidelity International in Hong Kong and London. He started his career in London in financial services in 1994 before relocating to Hong Kong in mid-2006.

    Damien is a Parent Governor and Vice Chair of the Board of Kellett, the British International School of Hong Kong.

  • Keith Pogson

    Honorary Auditor

  • Belinda Poole

    Development Consultant


  • Stanley Ho

    Assistant Programme Manager, Community Programmes

    Stanley joined The Women’s Foundation as Assistant Programme Manager in January 2024. He is responsible for Girls Go Tech Programme, providing latest technologies learning and insight of future career to underprivileged girls.

    Prior to joining The Women’s Foundation, he served at a number of organizations including Lingnan University, Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers and Hong Kong Association of Youth Development Training Centre where he was responsible for organizing and executing training courses to teenagers.

    Stanley holds a Bachelor of Arts in Computing from Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

  • Samantha Wong

    Co-Founder and Director, On Air Collective

    Samantha Wong is the Co-Founder and Director of the On Air Collective and Little Bao, Founder of On Air Event Space Management and a publisher at the WOM Guide. In these roles, she has succeeded in developing the outreach of Little Bao and the WOM guide, and of the clients of the On Air Collective. Highlights include an increase in readership by 100% after a rebrand practice and the launch of a new website for the WOM Guide and an increase in media outreach by 50% as Vans’ Asia Pacific Community Strategy Partner. Samantha has extensive experience in public relations in the Asia Pacific region. She was previously a PR Executive at various companies including Concept Link International Marketing, Bally and Dmop.

  • Ali Tse

    Board Treasurer

    Transfer Pricing Partner – Financial Services, PwC

    Ali Tse is a Partner in PwC Hong Kong and China’s financial services transfer pricing group. Ali focuses on providing planning, compliance and operational transfer pricing advisory services to financial institutions. She has over 18 years of experience working in Big 4 accounting firms in London and Hong Kong, covering the Greater China and Asia Pacific regions. Ali has provided technical transfer pricing training to tax authorities from across Hong Kong, China and Korea and has advised industry groups in consultations with the Hong Kong SAR government. Ali is a qualified chartered accountant.

    While trained as a tax specialist, in her spare time she has taken on informal roles to drive diversity and inclusion initiatives within her own organisations from establishing internal mentoring programmes, driving D&I training platforms, and performing social impact measurement educational work. Ali supports a number of non-profit organisations and has been closely involved in TWF as co-chair and a steering committee member for the Foundation’s Mentoring Programme. She also collaborated with the Foundation and the Women’s Chief Executive group to research, draft and release a survey on the state of gender diversity in the financial services sector in Hong Kong.

  • Christine Tsang

    Board Vice-Chair

    Executive Director, IB Operational Risk Control – APAC Head, UBS

    Christine Tsang is APAC Head of Operational Risk Control at UBS. In this role, she is responsible for second line of defence monitoring and advising business partners to ensure appropriate controls are in place to mitigate risks, fitting in with her core personal value of “doing the right thing”. This value has guided her career; previously she has worked for National Australia Bank (‘NAB’) and Standard Bank Asia as the Asia Head of Operational Risk; and audit & risk consulting manager with PwC, in Melbourne and Hong Kong. The value of “doing the right thing” has also informed her interest in social, diversity and environmental causes. Christine was founding Chair/Vice Chair of “Connecting Women Hong Kong/Asia” at NAB; Honorary Treasurer of Street Workout Hong Kong; previously Chair of CA ANZ Hong Kong and continues to volunteer as Hong Kong council member and board director. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Accountant of Australia and New Zealand.

  • Tim Payne

    Principal, Kellaways

    Tim Payne 在 Brunswick 工作了 20 年,先後駐倫敦和紐約,2004 年移居香港,負責領導公司在亞洲的業務。Tim 的工作涵蓋企業與金融傳播、危機傳播與議題管理,在併購、首次公開募股與聲譽傳播方面擁有豐富的專業知識。在加入 Brunswick 之前,Tim 是自由民主黨 (英國) 的政治競選總監,負責該黨的許多國會競選活動,包括在補選中贏得英國國會史上最大的多數黨。

  • Tom Morrow

    Chairman of FICC and Equities in Asia Pacific, Goldman Sachs

    Tom Morrow is chairman of FICC and Equities in Asia Pacific at Goldman Sachs. He is a member of the Firmwide Client Franchise Committee, the Asia Pacific Management Committee and the Global Banking & Markets Operating Committee. Tom joined Goldman Sachs in 1992 and moved to Hong Kong in 1995. He has held multiple senior leadership roles throughout his career in the firm’s New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo offices. Prior to his current role, Tom was head of Asia Pacific Equities Distribution, head of the sovereign wealth fund business within the Securities Division in Asia Pacific and led the Asia Pacific Ex-Japan Strategic Coverage & Solutions Group. He is a former member of the Partnership Committee. Tom was named managing director in 2002 and partner in 2006. Tom is a board member of the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding at Dartmouth College. He also serves on the Advisory Committee of the Quantitative Finance and MSc in Finance Programmes of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Tom earned an AB from Dartmouth College in 1992.

  • Angelina Kwan

    Board Chair

    Managing Director, Stratford Finance Limited

    Angelina is passionate about Technology, Digital Assets and the Blockchain and loves advising start-ups. She is the Chief Executive Officer of Stratford Finance Limited, a consulting company focused on dealing with regulatory and operational issues in the financial services and digital assets space and advises brokerages, fund managers, and technology providers.

    Most recently Angelina held Senior Advisor and Group Chief Operating Officer roles at the HashKey Group, a regulated digital assets company that recently received the second Approval in Principle from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission to operate a virtual asset trading platform. She has previously held Chief Operating Officer and Directorate positions with international digital asset exchanges, HKEX, Cantor Fitzgerald, the SFC, and other global financial services companies.

    Angelina serves on a number of Hong Kong Government-appointed Boards, and charities including the New Business Committee, Financial Services Development Council, Board of Trustees of the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust, the Ebenezer School for the Blind, and the Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute. She is a Certified Public Accountant in the United States, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand and a graduate of the University of Southern California in Finance and Accounting. Her MBA is from Pepperdine University, LLB from HKU/Manchester Metropolitan University, and LLM from Harvard Law School.

  • Joanna Hotung

    Director, Hotung Mills Education Foundation

    Joanna is Director of Hotung Mills Education Foundation. She is the Founder of the KG Group, which through its different focuses – Kids’ Gallery, Star English, Face Productions, and Mills International Preschool – has seen over 80,000 young people pass through its doors, and alumni are studying at prestigious universities or working in a wide range of fields worldwide. Prior to this she worked at PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Marks and Spencer, Head Office, London.

    Joanna has degrees from the Universities of London and Warwick, and is a Licentiate of Trinity College London. She is an Arts Advisor to the University of Warwick, and a Board Member at The Women’s Foundation, Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong, Youth Diabetes Action, Playright Children’s Play Association, and the Hong Kong Arts Festival.

    Among many awards, she is winner of South China Morning Post Women of our Time and the American Chamber of Commerce Women of Influence Entrepreneur award.

  • Brian Henderson

    Company Secretary

    Founder and Director, Whole Business Wellness Limited

    Brian Henderson was Chief Operating Officer for Baker McKenzie. He led local diversity initiatives across nine offices in Asia, as a member of the Management Committee and supported the firm’s gender diversity action plan in championing the “BakerWomen” committee and establishing a “BakerMen” team. His passion about encouraging men to see gender equity as a priority, opportunity and responsibility extends beyond his activities in the firm. Brian is the Co-Chair of TWF’s Male Allies Initiative, and was recognized as the 2017 AmCham Champion for the Advancement of Women.

  • Claire Goodchild

    Former Asia Head of Diversity, Morgan Stanley

    Claire Goodchild is the Asia Head of Diversity & Inclusion at Morgan Stanley. She is involved in the design of the firm’s diversity and inclusion strategy, which has resulted in numerous recognitions, including the Gold Standard for LGBT Inclusion in published indices in Hong Kong and Japan as well as being named one of the 100 Best Companies for Women in India. Over the course of more than 15 years at Morgan Stanley, she has held other roles in talent development and has led a team to win a Silver Award for Excellence in Training and Development. Claire is heavily involved with TWF, having been co-chair of the Foundation’s Mentor Programme Steering Committee from 2016 to 2018 and acting as chair of the Human Resources Advisory Council (HRAC) of TWF since 2019.

  • Gwen Faure

    Former Partner, PwC Hong Kong

    Gwen Faure was a partner in PwC Hong Kong’s Consulting practice. She specialised in delivering transformation programmes of international banks and financial institutions, ensuring they align with the local regulatory requirements in the Asia Pacific markets. She was the co-lead in PWC Hong Kong’s internal women network. Additionally, she has worked extensively with TWF, both as an advisory council member for the mentoring programme in 2018-2019 and through her involvement in the joint TWF/PwC study of Gender Diversity in the Hong Kong Financial Services Sector last year. Gwen is currently interested in the Workforce of the Future, particularly due to her background as an anthropologist.

  • Cecilia Chan

    Professor Emeritus, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong

    Cecilia Chan is a world leader in health and social work. She currently holds numerous professorships and directorships at the University of Hong Kong, including at the Si Yuan Chair Professorship in Health and Social Work. Her academic career has resulted in groundbreaking innovations such as a strength-oriented empowerment approach with traumatised individuals and the creative synergy of Chinese philosophies and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices into holistic behavioral health intervention. Outside of her research, Cecilia is a prominent social entrepreneur and change maker in society. She served as Founding Director to various projects and programs including the Centre of Behavioural Health and the Jockey Club End-of-life Community Care (JCECC) project. She was also instrumental in the establishment of the Sau Po Centre of Aging, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKJC Centre on Suicide Research and Prevention as well as other taught post-graduate programmes at the University of Hong Kong.

  • Ikra Shaikh

    Officer, Pipeline Initiatives

    Ikra joined The Women’s Foundation in September 2023 and is primarily responsible for supporting the Mentoring Programme for Women Leaders and the Gender Equality and Inclusion Working Group.

    Before joining TWF, Ikra was involved with several local NGOs concerning the legal awareness of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong, fostering connections between women from ethnic minority backgrounds and the majority community, and improving the livelihoods of non-Chinese women in Hong Kong. Her work was instrumental in providing support and empowering underserved women in the region.

    Ikra holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences majoring in Criminology from the City University of Hong Kong.
  • Clara Hopkins

    Assistant Manager, Pipeline Initiatives

    Clara joined The Women’s Foundation as Pipeline Initiatives Officer in March 2023. She was previously an intern at TWF in 2021. She runs the Male Allies Programme and supports various board diversity initiatives including the Women to Watch Platform and Boardroom and C-suite Leadership Programme.

    Prior to joining TWF, she worked with diverse NGOs on issues relating to reproductive rights, minority activism and arts administration.

    Clara holds a Master of Arts majoring in French and History from the University of Edinburgh.

  • Carla Bugo

    Senior Officer, Community Programmes

    Carla joined as Senior Programme Officer, Community Programmes in August 2023, bringing her extensive expertise to the forefront. In this capacity, she diligently coordinates a diverse range of community initiatives, with a particular focus on the Girls Go Tech programme. This transformative initiative aims to empower women in the STEM field and remove barriers to their success.

    Prior to her role, Carla had a remarkable professional journey spanning various sectors, including law, finance, and traditional Chinese medical treatment, in both Hong Kong and Shanghai. Additionally, with over a decade of volunteer experience in the non-profit sector, Carla is a dedicated committee member of a reputable NGO and devotes her free time to serving the underserved and elderly. Her unwavering commitment to uplifting marginalised communities, promoting women empowerment, and providing assistance to those in need has shaped her into a compassionate and devoted professional.

  • Hillary Fung

    Senior Development & Administrative Officer

    Hillary is responsible for managing TWF’s CRM implementation and contributes to coordinating and executing various flagship events including the annual Gala and International Women’s Day Lunch to support our mission. She also actively assists the Pipeline Initatives team with corporate partnership related inquiries.

    Prior to her current role, Hillary was the Programme Officer in the Community team where she was responsible for planning, coordinating and executing events and activities under the Girls Go Tech Programme, as well as developing the English for STEM initiative.

    She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies and a minor in Sociology from the University of Waterloo, Canada.

  • Dora Lee

    Assistant Operations Manager

    Dora joined The Women’s Foundation as Operations Officer in September 2018, supporting finance & accounting and working closely with the Pipeline, Development and Programme teams. Prior to joining TWF, she worked as Controller overseeing Asia Pacific government projects in Philips Electronics Healthcare Division. She also worked in Sydney office of Unisys Company Limited for a regional accounting hub migration project. She has diversified experience in accounting, business support, performance reporting, financial analysis and control process improvement.

    Dora holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Master of Science in Financial Analysis (Major in Corporate Finance) from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA).

  • Jina Guo

    Manager, Pipeline Initiatives

    Jina joined The Women’s Foundation in April 2023 as Assistant Manager, Pipeline Initiatives. She is primarily responsible for Gender Equality & Inclusion Working Group and supporting the Mentoring Programme for Women Leaders and other gender diversity programmes under TWF’s Pipeline Initiatives.

    Jina has nearly a decade of experience in the education sector. Prior to her role at TWF, Jina served as the Director of Studies at Education First. Jina’s role focused on developing academic staff’s teaching and management skills and implementing new curricula. She also collaborated with the Sales and Service Team to ensure school’s healthy growth as well as run various marketing and internal staff events.

    Jina holds a bachelor’s degree in English Education from Huainan Normal University, with a National Teaching Certificate from the Chinese Education Bureau.

  • Phoebe Ho

    Events and Development Senior Manager

    Phoebe joined The Women’s Foundation as Assistant Events and Development Manager in April 2022. She is responsible for conceptualising, planning, executing and evaluating TWF’s fundraising initiatives, with a particular focus on two signature fundraising events: International Women’s Day Lunch and Gala Dinner.

    Before joining TWF, she worked in The American Club as an Events Executive, working closely with the American Club Foundation team to host charity events as well as collaborating with many other charity organisations to host various fundraising events in The American Club. These events gave her great satisfaction by helping people in need and inspired her next chapter in working at an NGO.

    Phoebe holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management from De Montfort University.

  • Kit Yu

    Design & Innovation Manager

    Kit joined The Women’s Foundation as Graphic Designer in July 2017. Her primary responsibilities include conceiving and developing graphics for TWF’s marketing collateral, documents, website and social media channels, as well as planning and managing the design of marketing and event promotion material.

    Before joining TWF, Kit worked as a senior designer and graphic designer at both Esquel Enterprises Limited and Ma belle Jewelry Limited. She was responsible for providing innovative graphic design concepts and executing marketing campaigns such as advertisements, packaging, product catalogues and seasonal promotion materials. She graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a BA in Applied and Media Art and a Higher Diploma in Graphic and Media Design from the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

  • Gladys Cheung

    Associate Programme Director

    Gladys joined TWF in October 2019. Previously, she served at a number of organisations including WWF, World Green Organisation and Ocean Park Conservation Foundation where she was responsible for fundraising and advocacy campaigns to support their conservation projects. Gladys solicited partners to support Earth Hour, the global climate change initiative, and spearheaded the first city-wide No Straw Campaign in 2017 to encourage the F&B industry and the general public to go straw-less.

    Gladys holds a Bachelor of Arts from University of Toronto and a Master of Social Science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

  • Lai Shan Chung

    Director, Community Programmes

    Shan joined The Women’s Foundation as Director, Special Projects – Community Programmes in late October 2023. She is an unwavering advocate for women’s rights and gender justice.

    Shan worked on poverty eradication and development programme, particularly focusing on women empowerment, eliminating gender-based violence, gender justice and civil society building in Mainland China with Oxfam Hong Kong for 18 years. She established the gender programme team and was the gender justice focal point for the global gender platform. She facilitated the registration of OHK’s Guangdong Office in 2017 and became the first chief representative. After social movements and Covid-19, Shan decided to redirect her focus back to Hong Kong.

    She has extensive experience in strategic planning, programming, policy advocacy and campaigning, grant-making and management. She is also a skilled facilitator and participatory trainer in areas such as gender and development, civil society organisation development, project cycle management, gender impact assessment, as well as safeguarding policies and mechanisms.

    Shan enjoys working with various communities and stakeholders from diversified backgrounds. She has experience in promoting commons and social economy in Hong Kong. She is keen on gender education for various groups in different creative methods.

    She was a journalist and an editor, working in both conventional and social media.

    Shan holds a BA (Hons) in Public and Social Administration and a MSc in International Development.

  • Amy Viklund

    Director, Pipeline Initiatives

    Amy joined The Women’s Foundation in 2023 as Director, Pipeline Initiatives. She leads a team that is responsible for the programmes, partnerships and initiatives which support the continuous development of the female talent pipeline in Hong Kong.

    The Pipeline Initiatives include the Mentoring Programme for Women Leaders, Male Allies Initiatives, 30% Club Hong Kong and Boardroom Series for Women Leaders.

    Prior to joining The Women’s Foundation, Amy has gained substantial experience from more than a decade of working in commercial business development and marketing roles in the professional services sector in Hong Kong. She has also worked at a listed international stock exchange for a few years based in Sweden.

    Amy has been an active advocate for gender equity and has led or participated in numerous gender equity initiatives where she worked and in the wider communities over the past 7 years.

  • Lisa Moore

    Senior Director, Research & Advocacy

    Lisa joined The Women’s Foundation in 2011 and became Senior Director, Research & Advocacy in January 2024.

    Lisa oversees TWF’s independent, collaboratively produced research on critical, under-discussed gender issues. She also leads advocacy efforts that aim to challenge and transform existing attitudes and behaviours that are preventing women and girls from fully participating in society through cross-sector campaigns as well as sector-specific actions. Additionally, she manages their communications strategy and execution to drive TWF’s presence and impact in the wider community.

    She was part of Meta’s Global Women’s Safety Expert Advisors (2021-2024), a group of experts that help Meta develop new policies, products and programmes that better support the women who use their apps.

    Prior to TWF, Lisa served as a Teaching & Research Fellow for Morningside College at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

    Lisa holds a BA in Ethnic Studies from the University of Richmond, an MA in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University and Nanjing University, and an MSc in Psychology from Sheffield Hallam University.

  • Maria Chau

    Chief Operations Officer

    Maria joined The Women’s Foundation as Finance and Administration Director in August 2021, with sound experience in healthcare and pharmaceutical multinational corporations and local public organisations managing finance, administration, controlling, supply chain, procurement, human resources, internal control, commercial and IT management.

    She has started her career in a German-based pharmaceutical company, Schering AG, building and managing finance and administration teams in Hong Kong and China, and was exposed to various challenges like M&A activities and integrations. She was the Chief Administration Officer of Bayer Healthcare Hong Kong and Deputy Executive Director (Commercial & Administration) of Aviation Security Ltd. at HK International Airport.

    Maria is passionate about TWF’s mission and vision in promoting the full and equal participation of women and girls in her home city where she grew up and currently resides.

    Maria is also a supporter of lifelong learning. She attained three master degrees in professional accounting, business administration and English Studies for the Professions while being a working mom of two boys.

  • Rita Ching

    Principal Adviser

    Before serving as Principal Adviser, Rita served The Women’s Foundation for 10 years, with the majority of her time as Deputy CEO. She is mainly responsible for programme design and development, advocacy campaigns, and community outreach.

    Previously, Rita spent ten years at the Employee Retraining Board, where she managed placement services and public relations working closely with the Education Bureau, the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Commission on Poverty, the Labour Department and the Social Welfare Department.

    She is the Founder of a social enterprise, Above and Beyond Education, that instructs on positive education and social-emotional learning to support students, their parents and schools. She was also a Programme Committee Member for the Children’s Medical Foundation.

    Rita was an organising member of the ‘2013-18 Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme’, and the Convenor of the Advisory Group for the Investor and Financial Education Council, a subsidiary of the Securities & Futures Commission. She was a blogger for HK01 and Ohmykids and has been awarded “Hong Kong Outstanding Women Volunteer” of Hong Kong YWCA.

    Rita holds a Masters in Social Policy from the University of York, UK.

  • Fiona Nott


    Fiona joined The Women’s Foundation as CEO in September 2017, combining her senior leadership experience with a passion for TWF’s mission to serve marginalised women and girls in Hong Kong. A former lawyer and Hang Seng Index company secretary, Fiona has lived in Hong Kong for over two decades having cultivated a career as a senior legal professional and adviser to a number of leading corporations in Hong Kong and around Asia including PCCW, AIA, AIG, Aviva, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery as well as SMEs, start ups and non-profit organisations.

    She is the Co-Founder of Room to Read’s Hong Kong Chapter and helped establish the Regional Programme office in New Delhi, India. She was the former Deputy Chair and a Director of the Australian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong (AustCham), and was Founder and Chair of its Women in Business Network. In 2015, Fiona won the People’s Choice Award for the Advancement of Women in Business at the AustCham-Westpac Australia China Business Awards.

    In 2020, Fiona was selected as the winner of the “Outstanding Achievement” award for the Women in Business Law Awards Asia 2020 for her professional accomplishments as well as advocacy and influence. In 2021, she was recognised at the AmCham Women of Influence Awards 2021 as Non-Profit Leader of the Year for her work to advance gender equality. In 2022, she was a recipient of Tatler’s Front & Female Hong Kong Awards.

    Fiona holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and Bachelor of Laws from the University of Sydney and is a Fellow (FGIA FCG) of the Governance Institute of Australia and the Chartered Governance Institute, a member of the Law Society of New South Wales, Australia and a Graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and sits on its Hong Kong Committee.