Financial Literacy & Employability Training Programme

Financial literacy and employability training for marginalised women

About the Programme

TWF’s Financial Literacy Programme for marginalised women was launched in 2011. This was followed by our Employability Training Programme which launched in 2014.


We are very grateful to our many partners who are contributing their expertise and support for the Programme.

Steering Committee

We are very grateful to have a terrific Steering Committee to guide the development and implementation of the Programme.
I've started filling in a monthly income and expenditure sheet for the family so that we can have a better idea of our spending patterns and figure out where we can save money.
I've paid back all my loans from my relatives and can survive without borrowing money. With better budgeting, I've finally been able to make ends meet.
After each session, I share the course hand-outs with my children who are at university and we have started a savings plan together. My children now each take 20% from their monthly pocket money and put it in our family's 'emergency fund'.