Learnings from our Programmes

For TWF, our Community Programmes are a rich source of data and learnings. We are also passionate about impact assessments that simultaneously allow mid-course corrections for the benefit of our Programme participants and to uphold our commitment to our donors by making the best possible use of their funding. We also know that there are organisations and individuals who are experts in impact assessment and who have much greater knowledge and experience than we have in the areas and communities we aim to serve. Wherever, we can, we engage these experts as independent evaluators for our programmes, believing as we do that our investment in harnessing their time and energy will be repaid in spades by the authoritative analysis, commentary and advice they provide. The excellent case studies and evaluation reports shown below are a testament to their commitment to our Programmes and the causes we serve. We hope the findings and recommendations contained in the reports will be useful to other NGOs, educators, academics, Government and other stakeholders who are working in similar fields and areas. If you have any questions or feedback on our case studies and evaluation reports, please contact Lisa Moore at lisa.moore@twfhk.org


TWF and CUHK Symposium on Youth Work and Youth Support in a Changing Society

The Women's Foundation partnered with The Chinese University of Hong Kong to present a full day symposium on the challenges, opportunities and innovations in youth work and youth support in a changing society.

Evaluation Study on TWF Life Skills Programme 2012-2013

An independent evaluation of TWF's Life Skills Programme for Adolescent Girls & Boys

Study on Hope and Emotion Regulation, Drawn From TWF's Life Skills Programme

A study on the correlation between the psychosocial well-being of secondary school students in TWF's Life Skills Programme and the importance placed by participants on hope, virtues and attention to positive information

Breaking Through to TEENs

Case Studies and Learnings from TWF's TEEN Programme