
A really good discussion on women and leadership with my fellow panellists - Keiko Tashiro, Declan O’Sullivan and Professor Arnoud De Meyer, and ably moderated by Chloe Cho. Kudos to CNA for organising this. It was also very moving to be in Singapore in the week of LKY's funeral.
Go Pan!
With Pan Lee who dropped by the TWF office today. Pan was one of my very first hires at TWF and he played a huge role in launching our signature T.E.E.N. Programme. He's off to London for an exciting new job in sports marketing. Go Pan!
Is there really a so-called glass ceiling imposed by society on women? Or are women's own limiting beliefs and unconscious biases preventing them from moving up? Watch my interview with Money Mind's Winnie Pascual.
Debora on how to win the war for female talent: women have come such a long way in the last 50 years.